On Simak's planet, the medical shuttle crashes on landing, putting the medical robot out of action. The player is appointed to replace it. His mission? To receive sick people and examine their (strange) symptoms. With the help of a small encyclopaedia, the player must decide which treatments to give. Will he be able to treat the people of Simak while avoiding antibiotic resistance until the next medical shuttle arrives?
As part of World Antibiotic Awareness Week, the French Directorate-General for Health (DGS) has developed a game to help people better understand the issues surrounding antibiotic resistance. Lasting around 15 minutes, MedBay-418 lets players put themselves in the shoes of a carer: on a distant planet, with the medical robot out of action, the player receives sick people and decides on the best treatments. Online from 18 November: www.medbay-418.com.
The DGS is launching an information campaign aimed at both healthcare professionals and the general public. This year's special feature is the launch of a serious game called MedBay-418. Developed in partnership with Atelier Sémaphore, it aims to inform the public in a fun and educational way. The game will remain online for a year; players who successfully complete the game during World Awareness Week will be entered into a prize draw to win prizes (bookshop vouchers worth a total of CHF 200).
(Source: https://www.ge.ch/document/bacteries-resistent-nous-avec-jeu-ligne-medbay-418, translated)
Ce jeu a été développé pour le service du médecin cantonal (Genève, département de la santé et des mobilités) dans le cadre de la semaine mondiale pour le bon usage des antibiotiques 2023.
Production : Atelier Sémaphore
Game Design : Caterina Martini
Art Design : Judicaël Saint-Genez & Valeria Martini
Icons : Font Awesome (CC BY 4.0 license)
Development : Raphaël Burgener
Special Thanks : Isaac Pante, Stéphane Droz & tous les testeurs et les testeuses pour leurs retours pertinents, notamment Alain, Alessandro, Alexis, André, Arthur, Aurélie, Bastien, Damien, Elian, Esteban, Francesca, Guillaume, Gwenaëlle, Lorelei, Marie-José, Nestor, Olivier, Pierre-Pascal, Quentin, Rita, RYMA, Sandro, Simon, Stéphane, Tristan, Wuthrer & toutes celles et ceux qui ont souhaité rester anonymes !
Direction générale de la santé, Département de la santé et des mobilités, Genève.
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